Fastlife Website: Launch Blog
Hello “Fanily”,
I am the creator of Fastlife but more importantly, I am Derek’s wife and biggest fan. He’s got a gaggle of daughters, three to be exact, that also hold him on quite a pedestal. Needless to say, we are not creating a website all about him to increase the size of his ego in any way! We are doing it because we are so excited about what is happening that we want to share. Not in a braggy sort of a way, the intention is to inspire you to go after your dream, whatever it may be and to encourage you to work at it, be consistent, and NEVER give up. Life is way too short to spend it wondering, “what would it have been like if?”
When my husband Derek shared his dream with me, he was down a lot. He was partying a little too much. He wasn’t engaged with life, he was bored and unhappy. He was in the “have to” stage, a place that you don’t want to stay for true fulfillment. I want the people I love to be happy and to know their purpose. So when he shared his desire, I was determined to help him give it a whirl. We want that for you too. So, I hope that the stories we share with you here on will inspire you. Maybe you’ll come away knowing something about sports cars and racing them that you didn’t know before. You’ll get to see the sexy cars, yes, sometimes there are even sexy girls, but more importantly, watching our web series will be an all access pass. You will get a taste of what it takes to balance all the parts of life to make a dream a reality, you’ll see details of how Derek learns a track, how he trains, what our family does to support him, how he is seeking sponsorship, and how he runs the family business and does all of this too. I see it as a combination deal, you are our friends and Derek’s fans…a Fanily!
Thank you for taking the time to watch our adventures. Keep those dreams alive in your heart. Be inspired and go do great things that make you feel alive! We’ll send you our version of inspiring stories. As the site develops we hope to engage you in dialogue and answer your questions as well as keep you up to date on what is happening on and off the track.
Go live those dreams!